June 26, 2009


Happy! It's a word we used to hear often but hadn't been able to get Kenzie to say lately. Until today when "happy" was the word of the day to help celebrate cousin Kayla's fourth birthday and Benny turning five months! This also starts our three straight days of eating cake. Today for cousin Kayla's birthday, tomorrow for cousin Claire's birthday and Sunday for my cousin Brandon's wedding.

We stayed over at Kacey and Eric's tonight at dinner time for Kayla's birthday party. Was it ever exciting - with pink bug cakes and balloons you couldn't go wrong! Well, McKenzie literally dance her diaper off. It should be fun to see her do some serious dancing at Brandon's wedding.

Here's Ben's five month picture and he is "happy" as always! Still rockin' the hair. On a side note his hair can be made to lay down but then he becomes his alter ego 'comb-over' Ben. Not a very popular guy at all... so rock on hair!

Here's McKenzie's five month picture - she's probably happy cause she only had a diaper on!

Ben is now eating one real meal a day. So far he's had apples and sweet pototoes. Sweet potatoes produced much nicer facial expressions than apples. He is working on sitting up and can really get moving with rolling and scooting when he wants to. He continues to be happy and healthly which is all anybody could ask for. Kenzie continues to love her baby brother and cooks wonderful things for him in her kitchen but she won't let him use the toy knives as they are "ouchy."


Gina Lillie said...

I totally support rock hair vs comb over.

Kim said...

I concur with Gina. Also, I do notice that Benny is starting to look like Benny and not mini-Kenzie in his pictures, hmmmm?