August 19, 2008

More Scrapping!

When you have a subject as cute as McKenzie there is tons of material to scrap just not enough time to do it in! I did complete the latest pages I've been working on last night thanks to a new scrapbooking product I discovered last week in Chelan at the local scrapbooking store. It's a glue stick pen! The Zig 2 Way Glue Pen has changed my scrapbooking life. I was able to finish up a page that involved lots of little pieces in less than a half hour. It took me forever to cut all the pieces out and get the sizes just right for the pages. Then I stalled out on actually finishing the pages for a while because I didn't know how to glue them together without a ton of work. I went into the scrapbook store in Chelan and explained my issue and I was steered in the direction of the 2 Way Glue Pen.

What are the 2 ways you might be asking yourself? The glue is blue when it is wet - and you can stick it when it's wet or wait until it drys clear and then stick it. Amazing!

This is a two page layout of McKenzie's first year - each picture was taken on the 9th of the month to show her growing as the year went on. I may add a title of some sort to the page to finish it up but I'm pretty happy with how it turned out thanks to my new 2 Way Glue Pen!

Here's my finished pages - I had lots of advice on taking pictures of paper from my blog readers and I tried to implement some of the advice but still need some work to make the pictures turn out better. I'll keep working on the suggestions!

1 comment:

jess said...

That is an ADORABLE page!! I love it!