December 31, 2011

Onward and Upward!

As we wrap up 2011 and look forward to 2012, I have to say this has been a great year for our family.  We've had some amazing adventures and we have tried a lot of new activities as a family.  We are really looking forward to watching the kids continue to learn and expand their worlds.  I see a lot of biking, swimming, and hiking in our future for 2012 on beyond.

I think I'll just install a bench in my front garden so I can sit and read my book while the kids ride their new bikes this next year.

Ben has already mastered the petals on his new bike and he's ready to cruise.

McKenzie is so happy her new bike has brakes unlike her old one that she crashed on.  Now we can really ride to the park and back!  Can't wait to see her excel at riding and get her training wheels off.  That's a good goal for 2012.

Matt and I are keeping our New Years resolutions simple this year - keep up with these kiddos and as always focus on the family fun!

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