December 15, 2011

Fruitcake Factory Open For Business

Once again McKenzie and I teamed up with Aunt Renee to produce our yearly batch of Grandma Hunter's Christmas Cakes, also known aa fruitcake.  We decided to make a single batch this year but it was still an overwhelming amount of fruitcakes.  Here's the first day when we chopped and mixed the fruit.  Things seem like they are going fine.

Then the next weekend we mixed the cake batter to blend with the fruit.  Classic fruitcake face from McKenzie!

Yes, folks this is only a single batch of fruitcake.  McKenzie couldn't believe Aunt Renee had bowls that big. 

Killing time while the fruitcakes baked.  McKenzie demanded we make her a paper hat.  Sadly after many failed attempts we had to look up how to make paper hats on the Internet.

Fruitcake hot out of the oven!  It was a great year, no sticking in the pans, no over cooking, everything seemed to come out just right.

 So far the reviews have been favorable.  Though my only real reviewer has been Ben. He ate it so it must be good, right?   Again this year he found the fruitcake and just helped himself.  Ben like to be just like Grandpa C, eating the fruitcake.

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