December 29, 2011

Elf On The Shelf Daily Adventures

Last Christmas season we were joined by a new little friend, our Elf on the Shelf.  He didn't cause much of a stir last year so he spent the entire off season stocking up funny and wild ways to show us he was there everyday.  Here is a recap of all the fun we had with our Elf - the kids have been missing him and asking when he can come back.  

Day 1: Our Christmas Elf arrived yesterday from the North Pole. His first adventure was a tea party with Purple Baby.

Day 2: The Elf brings a message from Santa

Day 3: Our Elf needed a little help getting back to the North Pole last night after being touched by Ben yesterday. Santa was able to restore his magic and we're back on track!

Day 4: Christmas came early for The Cougars this year, welcome to Coach Leach! Win or lose even Santa and our Elf root for The Cougs!

Day 5: Our Christmas Elf is really checking up on us this year!

Day 6: Our Elf made a new friend! Now the question is who is the scariest?

Day 7: Our Elf and Jesse, the stuffed dog visiting us from Ben's class, enjoying some fun before Jesse returns to school.

Day 8: Perhaps our Elf needs us to leave him some food out since this morning we found him eating up all of Grandpa's fruitcake! Yum Yum! 

Day 9: Give an Elf a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach an Elf to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. Yesterday McKenzie said the Elf should eat goldfish not fruitcake and this is what we found him doing this morning!

Day 10: Rub-A-Dub-Dub our Elf's in a tub! I'm just glad it wasn't my toothbrush he picked to clean up with.

Day 11: Today our Elf is just hanging around watching us run from one holiday event to the next!

Day 12: Looks like our Elf is trying to remind us about all the fun we have year round with our family. He's not the first one who has been a little jealous of our giant photo button from the fair!

Day 13: Our Elf in his cap has settled in for a long winter's nap!

Day 14: Their underwear were hung by the chimney with care... Wait a minute! Our Elf sure does have a sense of humor!

Day 15: Looks like our Elf decided to help address all our Christmas cards last night. Ben's comment was "He do your work Mama".  Anyone who does my work can stay all year long!

Day 16: All work and no play makes our Elf a dull boy. Enjoying some fun with Daddy's Xbox today.

Day 17: Today our Elf has some advise for the kids if they want to stay on the nice list.

Day 18: Step right up! You're the next contestant on 'Naughty or Nice?'. Our Elf is really taking his job seriously this year.

Day 19: Our Elf taking his new friend Barbie for a ride in his mistletoe mobile!

Day 20: Our Elf must be dreaming of a white Christmas to have cooked up this idea!

Day 21: Our Elf likes to keep us laughing, today we were all ready to help Santa pull his sleigh after waking up with red noses!

Day 22: Our Elf had an early Christmas gift for us today, he brought a photo album of all his adventures at our house. Perfect timing since it is Kenzie's day for show and tell at school. She is so excited to show her class.

Day 23: Our Elf is missing his friends in the North Pole. He got some inspiration from the Grinch to make himself feel more at home. "If I can't find a reindeer, I'll make one instead".


Day 24: A grand goodbye from our Elf today - a white Christmas after all . We pulled it off the tree and had a snowball fight! We will miss this little guy.


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