June 15, 2011

How Does Your Garden Grow...?

Our garden is growing out of control.  I am learning a lot with this first experience in gardening.  Lesson one for the season is if someone is so dedicated to gardening that they gather and package up tiny seeds and ship them all over for others to buy, they probably have grown these same plants before and are telling you to space the seeds out for a very good reason.

As you can see I have crammed too many plants into the far end of the garden but they are all thriving despite the cramped situation.  The poor carrots and radishes that I planted from seed are the worst.  I simply didn't believe that they needed the space the package indicated and then to further justify the need to dump the entire packet of seeds into the small space that I had I told myself that perhaps all the seeds wouldn't grow.  Each and every one of those tiny little seeds seems to have grown.  I'm working on thinning them out now.

I have lost two different types of plants due, I think, to lack of water.  My cucumber plants dried up and died and my basil plants wilted down to the ground and withered up.  I even kept the basil inside for a week and a half longer than the other plants but perhaps not long enough.  I'll have to do some more research before I attempt either of those again.

Our first crop from the garden has been lettuce which is growing quite nicely.  We have been having fresh lettuce in everything possible.  Time to plan a nice big salad so I can use more of it up!  Kenzie and I finally got around to staking up our peas and sweet pea plants this past weekend and they are climbing higher with each day.  I can't wait until the sweet pea flowers bloom.  Those were my favorite as a child.

I plan to keep documenting my gardening lessons as the garden grows so I remember for next year.

1 comment:

jess said...

Great information! I'm also a novice gardener, so any and all tips are awesome. I probably would have dumped all the seeds in too thinking that not all of them would grow :)