June 27, 2011

Fabulous Fours!

We survived the wondrous ones, the terrific twos and the tremendous threes with our McKenzie and now we're on to the fabulous fours!  Each age with McKenzie just keeps getting better and better as she expands her world and discovers all the new things she can do.  In our usual style we couldn't just settle for a simple celebration - it's not everyday your sweet girl turns four.

On McKenzie's birthday she woke up to a birthday display on the kitchen table with presents, flowers, a birthday crown, and a cake with rainbow sprinkles!  Here she is showing us how old she is.  

Our princess checking out her birthday cake.  She is just excited about the sprinkles at this point!  Wait until she sees what Mom has on the inside!

Blowing out her candles and making a wish!  Good thing she has been practicing all year for this.

What kind of birthday would it be if your brother didn't swipe some of the frosting while waiting for Mom to cut the cake?

The reveal!  A rainbow cake!

She was so excited when she saw the inside.  She had asked for a rainbow cake and I had seen the perfect thing on my friend Dana's blog.   I knew I had to figure out how to make it.  Dana sent me some easy directions and off I went creating a rainbow cake to make McKenzie's birthday complete.  How did we ever live without the Internet?

We also deviated from our normal birthday dinner and took the family to Chuck E Cheese for a night of family fun.  The kids loved it and Kenzie actually understood how to play the games and win tickets.  Ben was just so excited he was allowed to push buttons, lots of buttons!

And what do you get for a girl who has everything?  The birthday gift she was most excited about on her actual birthday was the prize she picked out at Chuck E Cheese.  A blow up chair for Flat Monkey.  Now he can relax in style when he visits Barbie's house.  Life is good!

For her friend birthday party we had a joint birthday with cousin Kayla who turned six this year at Jump Planet, our favorite jump house gym.  Both girls invited friends from their schools and it was a great crowd of wild jumpers.  I tried to take more pictures but it's nearly impossible to get a good shot of kids on a bounce house.  A big thank you to Grandma C who spent the entire party literally running from place to place with Ben as he jumped his little heart out.  

The birthday cousins blowing out their candles on their yummy ice cream cake!

1 comment:

Gina Lillie said...

I love that rainbow cake. Don't know if you saw in the scap magazine about the birthday door? One family decorates the kids' bedroom door while they are asleep. They tape little gifts to it too. Might have to do that next year.