April 20, 2011

Rainbows Out of Rainy Days

One of the things I love about the kids is their eternal optimism.  They seem to be able to turn any situation into something fun.  Last Saturday it was typical Northwest Spring day which called for morning sprinkles, mid day showers and afternoon drizzle.  My first thought on seeing the rain in the afternoon was that we'd be stuck in the house for the rest of the day with nothing to do.  Luckily the kids came up with a much better way to spend the afternoon by using their new umbrellas!  What could be a short five minute trip to the mailbox turned into almost a hour of fun.  Mind you, this same principal can work horribly against you as well.  Any normal activity that should take you five minutes to complete will take you at least half an hour if you have the kids along.

Here we are heading out with the excitement of umbrellas way over the top!  Ben, though, has not mastered the umbrella as he doesn't grasp its purpose and holds it over his shoulder.  McKenzie on the other hand was all about not getting rained on.  Love that Ben has a little get-up-an'-go in his step.  He loves to try to skip. 

Serious umbrella user balancing his need to use two hands and his desire to hold my hand while walking with the umbrella.  In the end I got to hold the umbrella and he ran free.

McKenzie strolling along without a care in the world about getting wet since she has on rain boots, a rain coat and her umbrella.

Ben discovered a nice puddle and did some serious splashing!  McKenzie was having none of it as she might get wet she told me.  Imagine that.  

Ben did get wet but he loved every minute of it! 

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