April 4, 2011

April Fools

I am a huge fan of practical jokes, so April Fools Day has always had a special place in my heart.  Though looking back I'm not really sure why since my earliest April Fools Day memory was answering the phone for my mother as a really young child and having the neighbor tell me that a prisoner had escaped from the prison just over the hill from my house and to lock the doors. Not a good joke to play especially when a child who was probably only five answered the phone.  Yikes! I'd better ask my Mom if it was even April Fools Day or if I just tell myself that.  Good thing I have many other memories of actually laughing on April Fools Day. 

Since the kids are so young we didn't have any real tricks planned for April Fools day this year.  In the end it was the kids who fooled us. 

McKenzie learned about April Fools Day at school and when I went to pick her up she had her dress on backwards.  I didn't think much of it and just asked her why it was backwards and she laughed and said, "I tricked you... it's a funny joke."  So typical of her.  If she does tell us a joke she always adds "it's a funny joke" at the end just in case I hadn't gotten the actual joke.  She does always make me laugh. 

Ben's trick was unintentional but it was a serious trick.  When we were getting ready for school I handed him Bippie, his beloved flat Hippo friend.  We then proceeded through the house and out to the car with various delays along the way.  When we got Ben in the car Bippie was missing.  So Matt and I tracked back through the house looking for Bippie.  He was no where to be found.  We retraced the wandering path to the car trying to think of where it possibly could be.  We theorized about how Bippie could have jumped over the stairrail when Ben was sliding down the stairs head first.  We quizzed Kenzie to see if she had taken him.  We checked in the toilets.  No stone was left unturned.  No Bippie.  It was time to go, so go the kids went.

Fast forward to me telling Matt a funny story about Ben and how he had recently started helping himself to fruit snacks in our pantry.  He figured out that just because he couldn't reach the knobs on the cupboard doors didn't mean he couldn't open the cupboard.  He could simply open them by pulling on the bottom of the door then he can climb up the shelves a little and grab the fruit snack box.  His big downfall in his whole method is that he wants to put the box back but can't so he asks me for help and that's where he gets caught sneaking fruit snacks.  So as I'm telling Matt this he asks if Bippie is in the cupboard and yes, there it was!  I'm not sure if Ben on Bippie thought of the trick but it was a good one!

 Guess it's time to stop holding back on April Fools and start plotting for next year.

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