April 21, 2011

Living The Dream...

Each Winter and through the long endless Spring while we wait for the reward of Summer to show up sometime in July, Matt and I discuss moving.  There are many reasons we think about moving most of them weather related.  In the end our reasons for staying are not ones that can be picked out of a town's statistics or a weather forecast. We stay because of the friends and family we have near by and how much we appreciate and enjoy their company.  However this does not make us give up our list of reason we want to move.  One of our big move discussion points is always the desire to have a pool at our house that we could use longer than the short summer season here.  The happiness I see in my kids faces when they are in the water makes this a must have item.

About a month ago we discovered the next best thing when we joined Columbia Athletic Club in Mill Creek.  We have been members of the local gym for a few years and have enjoyed it for Matt and me.  But the kids were not allowed to swim there and we have tried to fit in other local pools schedules into our weekend time around naps and other activities but we always felt rushed.  The "jum" as the kids call it has open family swim available all the times we could actually use the pool.  We have been going swimming with the kids every chance we get and we are all loving it.

Ben has turned into quite the swimmer these days with this help of his puddle jumper life jacket.  He can be a free agent in pool and just kick his little self all around.  This life jacket is seriously a life saver as it makes it possible for one of us to take both kids to the pool by ourselves and actually get in a few worry free moments to relax. 

 McKenzie continues to advance her swimming skills.  She also has a puddle jumper life jacket that we bought for her before Hawaii.  She is also confident enough to take it off and practice actual swimming and has been going underwater with her Daddy to pick up some dive balls from the bottom of the pool.  So looking forward to swim lessons this summer and watching her swimming continue to blossom.

We are still looking forward to the Summer since the "jum" has an outdoor pool as well and then we'll really be living the dream!!

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