April 19, 2009

Tonight's Post Is Brought To You By The Letter B

McKenzie has fallen in love with her first letter and it is none other than the letter 'B'. She sees B's everywhere, the number 6 is often mistaken for the letter 'B' and it is also just so fun to say. She can pick 'B' out on a keyboard, from her fridge magnets, in magazines. She never fails to tell me about it. Here she is in a video featuring the letter 'B'

It's exciting to see her learning things. She is also very into colors right now. We spend a good deal of time at each meal with her quizzing me about what color things are. I do find it hard sometimes to make snap decisions about what color somethings are. I'm trying to keep things simple for her by sticking to the basic colors of the rainbow instead of branching out to the 64 pack of Crayolas with names I give for the colors. There are so many colors that are close to two colors. Hopefully I don't mess up her colors for life.

This post was also going to be brought to you by the number 9, because last week Ben did sleep for 9 hours straight at night but that only happened once. So we'll hold off on getting too excited about that yet. He is going all night without a feeding but he does love to wake me up for a little cuddle time. Here's a recent picture of him playing with Daddy's new toy, a netbook. It's a tiny laptop that everyone here at our house is in love with.

Ben's going to be the next E-Trade baby, I just know it. But he would never waste his money on renting a clown, because they are scary.

In case the picture with Ben does not give you prospective on how tiny this laptop is here is a picture of it on top of Matt's other laptop which I do admit is maybe the largest laptop in the world.


Kelli said...

I will say a little prayer for you that the 9 hours repeats again and again very soon! Oh man, I am so not ready to do thise all over again with another baby. McKenzie is darling, so funny that she picked the letter B!

Carl Z said...

Great post ! I especially loved the link to the E-Trade Baby on You-Tube. Funny / VERY funny stuff.