April 7, 2009

Our Very Own Monkey

No we didn't get a monkey but McKenzie has become one somehow. She has always been a climber with a reckless determination to get to her goal. I was actually surprised she never climbed out of her crib before we moved her out of it. Now she thinks it's funny to climb in to see baby Ben. Luckily she can't get in if the side is raised. That's one more thing for me to remember.

Here she is caught in the act of scaling the crib. And then in the second picture laying next to Ben which has become a favorite thing for her to do. Diaper changes are a breeze if I let her lay next to baby.

I also got a nice side profile of Ben's Mohawk hairdo so you can see it in it's full glory. It is extreme hair, crazy spikey in the front and then flat as can be in the back. It will be interesting to see how this hair grows out but in the meantime I love it.

Here's another cute picture of Ben modeling some socks that one of Matt's coworkers made for him. Very cute!


Gina Lillie said...

That mohawk is my favorite thing!

Rich and Stephanie said...

Love Love Love the mohawk!!!! We have a monkey in our house as well...Little Mason!!

S and J said...

Hmmm....I love McKenzie more and more, she's becoming a climber. And Benny looks like a mini-Matt, minus the curly hair.