June 1, 2008

Splish Splash She Was Takin' A Bath...

Last weekend when we were out at Pacific Beach we went into one of the little shops downtown and they had the cutest sign for a kids bathroom. I've been wanting to do something with our extra bathroom since we moved into our house four years ago but since we rarely use that bathroom it wasn't high on our list of things to do. That has changed since McKenzie started taking her baths in that bathtub - now it's a regular part of our days.

Here's McKenzie enjoying some fun in the tub : )

Here's the sign that I bought - it has inspired me to get moving on that bathroom and make it into a room I actually like. I think I'll try to match some of the colors in the sign for different aspects of the room and make it a fun place for taking baths!

1 comment:

Gina Lillie said...

She couldn't look happier!