June 26, 2008

Baby Genius!

McKenzie had a blockbuster day yesterday - three behavior breakthroughs were noted! When we were getting ready yesterday morning I changed McKenzie into her clothes for the day and changed her diaper then I was putting her pj's in the laundry room and turned around and she wasn't in the landing anymore. So first I checked our bedroom but she wasn't there looking for her 'daw-gas' then I looked in her room and she was putting her own diaper into her Diaper Champ! I couldn't have been happier! Someone who wants to help me do things - I'm loving this! She might have been ready to do this for a while since she does always try to grab her diaper after I change her but I always keep it away from her since I thought she just wanted to play with it or worse hide it somewhere : )

A quick note about the Diaper Champ - it truly is a Champ and while it is stinky at times we love it. It's one of those rare items that just works.

Here's McKenzie on action this morning, after I changed her I let her get the diaper off the floor and then I told her to go throw it away. She did get a little wild at first and headed to the bathroom to show Matt but then thought about it and turned around and headed for her room and put it into the Diaper Champ!

The next breakthrough was around the dog food - McKenzie loves to put things into the water dish and loves to take the food and try to eat it. We end up putting the bowls on the counter when she's loose downstairs. Yesterday we went down in the morning and I was putting the bowls up but there was some loose food on the floor thanks to Indy our messy eater. McKenzie picked up a piece of food but instead of putting it into her mouth she put it back in the bowl!

Then at Aunt Kacey's house McKenzie was able to play in the sandbox by herself yesterday and not eat any sand! She really is growing up and learning more and more each day! Who knows maybe tomorrow she'll be starting her own blog!


Kelli said...

I cannot wait until the big helper days! I am just happy if I can get through a diaper change with Cole and him not try and roll off the changing table. He is a busy boy! Ugh! She is so darling, I can't believe how fast she is growing up!

Anonymous said...

Now, this is the stuff that I stalk your blog for. This is just so cute!

Carl Z said...

wow !
very nice !
sounds like our "budding-genius" is about ready for grandpa to install the Multiplication Table chart over her crib :-)