One thing I wasn't really looking forward to with a girl was doing her hair but I loved seeing her with the ponytail - so grown up and cute. I went out today and bought some more little rubber bands to try some fun things with her hair. I don't think she has enough hair yet for pig tails but soon!
When McKenzie was a tiny baby she had this crazy flyaway hair on the top of her head that I just loved. Here's a picture from when she's about a month and a half old showing off the hair. Her hair also looks redish in her early pictures but it's definitely blonde now!
So cute! I just love her smile pictures.. she has such a personality now.. its just amazing! she is such a perfectly happy little McKenzie! :)
Wow! Look at that mouth full of chompers ! Won't be long now and she will be ready for M E A T !
Brats on the Bar-B-E? Sashimi? Some Thai food? Gotta show this girl some culture :-)
Blonde's have more fun!
What a sweet little girl! Am enjoying your blogsite alot..
but 3 days and no update?? what's up?
Hugs, Your Canadian cousin!
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