November 21, 2012

Goodnight Garden

This year I let the garden linger as long as possible, trying to ripen as many of my beautiful sun gold tomatoes as possible but finally at the end of October I had to wrap it up and instead of just letting all the green tomatoes go I harvested all the green ones and brought them inside to ripen.  I did let my larger varieties go into the compost since I didn't know what to do with them.  I've since learned there are ways to use them so maybe I will do one large variety next year again.

I picked a great day with a little sun shining down on me and just worked my way from one end to the other clearing away all the plants except for a few herbs which I will try to winter over.  Hard to believe these pictures were taken and hour apart.

Overall, it was another successful year in the garden, what I didn't gain in actual produce I gained in knowledge about how to improve for next year.

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