November 1, 2012

Frightfully Fun

No Fall season could be complete without a trip to the pumpkin patch with our friends.  This year we decided to take the fun up a notch and have everyone over after we selected our perfect pumpkins for a spooky potluck.  It's a good thing we did since our time at Bob's Corn was cut short due to heavy rain.  We were just wrapping up our pumpkin selection when the rain started so we checked out and headed for home.

Our very own children of the corn.... complete with some interesting faces.  The kids always love to check out all the new and exciting things around the farm.

Kenzie and Keaton waiting for the Cow Train.  Both Kenz and Ben just adore Keaton, poor guy gets way too much bossing around when he's with us.

Our favorite part of getting pumpkins!  The cow train, this year it was a wild ride through barns, pumpkin patches and over way too many bumps.  So much fun!

This picture makes me want to have seven kids so I can try to get a good picture of them all.  At least we can admit it's a losing battle.  Ben took his job of restraining Keaton very seriously.

Clearly, these kids are so excited to pick out their very own pumpkin.  You'd think I made them raise them from seeds and weeding the pumpkin patch all summer...

There's the smile I was hoping for in my pumpkin patch pictures.

Here's the only picture I took of our spooky potluck food, next year I need to get better organized.  Here some of the things from our spooky menu:

- Candy corn vegetable platter
- Peanut butter spider crackers
- Bat potato wings
- Mummy pizzas
- Graveyard cake

It was so much fun to spend a little extra time together instead of just rushing off after getting our pumpkins.  Maybe next year we'll get wild and try to carve our pumpkins together!  Kayla and Nathan came over to join the fun which made a full house of nine kids under nine!

We also had a costume parade after dinner and everyone got to dress up and show their costume off.  We had Rapunzel, Bat Girl, Strawberry Shortcake, Bat Girls Cheerleader, a Ghostbuster, Scooby Doo, Thor and Swamp Thing.  There was also a very cute Fedex man who just wouldn't get in the picture.  

1 comment:

Gina Lillie said...

That picture of Kenzie-Ben with sad faces makes me think of Sarah's grumpy face photos.