October 7, 2012

"Tomayto" or "Tomahto"?

At the end of summer this year we hosted a get together for the Durdy side of my family.  Originally the event was billed as a family reunion but then it was pointed out to me that perhaps it wasn't really a reunion since these are the same family members we see for Thanksgiving and Christmas so then we started calling it a family BBQ.  As I sat down to write this post I decided to figure out the truth and it was in fact a family reunion according to Wikipedia.

Here's the definition   "A family reunion is an occasion when many members of an extended family congregate... A typical family reunion will assemble grandparents, great-grandparents and up for a meal, some recreation and discussion."

We had all those elements - extended family, a meal, some recreation and discussion!  Check, check and check.  We even got pictures to prove it.  Just like the classic unimportant difference "tomayto" or "tomahto" there is little to separate out a family BBQ and a family reunion so I'm going with reunion.

Here's the full group - if only Ben was able to hold still for the picture.  Twenty six family members - Grandpa and Grandma Durdy would have loved to see this.  It was actually Grandpa Durdy's birthday on the day of the event.

The Meal
The Recreation

The Discussion
And of course what family reunion is complete without crazy family members!  We certainly have our fair share of those.

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