October 2, 2012

Almost Silent Night

Our kids are so different in so many ways despite being raised in the same house by the same parents.  When Kenzie needs or most likely just wants something you're going to hear about it immediately.  When Ben wants or needs something you often don't hear about it until he's come to tell you he broke something or spilled something in the process of trying to get what he wanted.  We always know where Kenzie is in the house because she makes noise both verbally and just in how she moves.  Ben is a man of mystery and is very soft footed and can be somewhere quietly for a while before you find him.  That being said when Ben is trapped somewhere like at the dinner table or in the car, he can talk up a storm to match his sister and they sure do like to go on and on about things when it's clearly time to just eat dinner.

Another time that we notice a big difference is at bedtime when they come out of their rooms.  McKenzie will come out and holler for us (actually just me...) and she will shout that she needs this or that or to tell us one last thing.  Ben also comes out of his room but he will just stand there quietly and wait for us to come along before say he has to go potty or wants some water.  If no one comes along for long enough he may just have lay down for a bit to keep waiting.

We have found him like this a few times recently just waiting and waiting for us at the top of the stairs.  We scoop him up and cuddle him a bit before putting him back in his bed where he belongs.  He's just lucky we have found him before the dogs could cuddle up to him.

1 comment:

Gina Lillie said...

That is the cutest thing ever. Atticus is more like Kenz. He's too noisy to be sneaky.