October 11, 2012

Childhood Bucket List

My children apparently have their own bucket lists of things to do to make for an exciting childhood.  Now they both have checked off two major items before they were five:

- Break arm
- Have a cast that people can write on

McKenzie checked these items off after her brief attempt at flying this Spring.  Ben's story wasn't quite as dramatic but nevertheless checked the items off his bucket list.  We had a quiet Sunday afternoon at home watching a movie and decided to head out in the yard to play.  Ben was outside less than two minutes before he fell off a small chair he was standing on while also drumming on a little patio table.  He went down on the patio and fractured his arm at the wrist.  He's not much of a crier so when he'd cried for 20 minutes straight I knew we needed to get it looked at.  Luckily the walk in clinic near our house was open and did x-rays onsite so we avoided the emergency room.  He was such a trooper and didn't complain a bit after he got his x-rays and a splint.  He waited a couple of days and got his cast.  His injury was pretty minor so the cast was only below the elbow for three weeks.

You can see from this action shot that he was not bothered by the cast in the least.  The biggest issue we had was the smell.  For some reason they didn't offer us the type of cast that we got for Kenzie that could go in the bathtub so we had to just get him as clean as possible with his arm bagged up and try to deal with the smell.

Hopefully there aren't too many other injury related bucket list items on these kids list - two broken arms in one year is too many!

1 comment:

Gina Lillie said...

Just think, now you have all these cool pictures (X-Rays) of how tiny your kids' bones were.