October 9, 2012

Ten Years and Counting

This year Matt and I celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary, since it was a big milestone anniversary and the fact that we scored babysitters for two nights we decided to each plan an adventure to celebrate.  Matt had Friday night and he took me down to Seattle to Teatro ZinZanni, part circus, part dinner theater and always magical.  It was a great evening. I had heard about it from others who had been and I'm sure we'll be back now that we know how it works.  I adore musicals so what better than to be served a five course meal while watching the show and also having the potential to become part of the show.  Our show focused a lot on the men in the audience and luckily for Matt he never got pulled on stage.  They came and put the spotlight on him at one point and I think they saw him die a little inside so they moved on to another victim.  It was a great evening and gave us a chance to dress up and enjoy some quality time together.

Here we are heading out for our night on the town.

On Saturday I took Matt on a hot air balloon ride over the Snohomish Valley.  It was an amazing adventure and I was surprised at how gently the balloon carried us away from the ground.  I only felt a little fear when I started thinking that the only thing between me and the ground was a wicker basket but was able to rationalize that the whole bottom wouldn't drop off at once.  Our balloon was the largest one that flies in the Northwestern United States.  It could hold ten passengers and the pilot.  It was a very interactive experience, we got to help setup the balloon and pack it back up at the end of the ride.

Matt helping to hold the balloon as it was getting filled with air.

View from the balloon as we were taking off, you can see the balloons shadow in the field across the river.  That's the Pilchuck River flowing out of downtown Snohomish.  We are just Southeast of the airport.

Me and Matt on the balloon!  It was hard to take pictures on the balloon because you can only get so far from the other people.

Another great view of the Snohomish valley, we love driving around this area dreaming about owning property in different locations.  This gave us the ability to see it all live from above and we were able to see some of our favorite pieces.

This one shows one of our dream properties - we have had our eyes on it for years - if only we could afford the price!  Our ride didn't go as far as I had hoped, there was little to no wind the evening we flew.  I had hoped we could make it closer to Monroe and the house I grew up in since I have so many memories of hot air balloons flying over.  We didn't come close but I could see the general area way off in the distance.  Our pilot said they rarely go that way anymore since there aren't as many places to land as there used to be.

Here we are back on the ground safe and sound, it was a fantastic evening and one more check on the bucket list!  Can't believe we've been married for ten years, it seems like only yesterday to me.

1 comment:

Gina Lillie said...

Happy Anniversary to one of my favorite couples. It does seem like only yesterday that you were getting married.