August 19, 2012

Soccer Mom

While I don't drive a mini van or wear mom jeans I still fit the basic description of soccer mom on Wikipedia.  

'The phrase soccer mom broadly refers to a North American middle-class suburban woman who spends a significant amount of her time transporting her school-age children to their youth sporting events or other activities.'    

Even though Kenzie played soccer last year, this year the Soccer Mom title really hit home since both kids were playing on different teams. I now have to juggle two practices, two games, two times to volunteer for snacks or drinks.  It's been a fun season so far and the kids are enjoying it almost as much as I am.  I never  thought I'd be that annoying Mom on the sideline yelling at my kids to get moving but I am.  Seeing them play the game makes it personal for me and makes me engage as a spectator.

Ben's team is called the Green Dinosaurs and they are very fierce.  So far it's been a great team with kids who actually stay on the field and play which is huge for the 3 / 4 teams.  Ben does really good if he happens to come in contact with the ball.  We do need to spend some more time working on getting the ball from the other team.

Ben and his team during their pre game huddle.  You can see here how their height vary drastically on his team.

Defending the goal - he did a great job as goalie and loved throwing the ball back into the game.

Kenzie's team is the Black Cheetahs and they are fast.  They do a great job of getting the ball and moving it down the field but teamwork is what they lack most.  If they just passed it successfully to their team they could really change the game.

McKenzie in the goal box, she's ready and waiting but the ball ended up at the other goal for most of her time as goalie.  As her Mom I'll chalk up that success to her skills.

Power kickoff from the center line, the time she hustles the fastest is when there is a chance to kick off or throw the ball in from the sideline.  She loves to make those plays.

Kenzie defended the ball well against some tough players from the other team.  That's one things that other players might underestimate about Kenzie - the girl does not back down.

Looking forward to continuing our soccer season and enjoying many more sunny days on the sidelines cheering on my favorite players.

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