April 11, 2012

What Are We Going To Do Today?

The kids had a mini Spring Break from school and so I had a day off work.  The idea of a day free from our regular routine was very appealing.  When I asked the kids what they wanted to do with their day McKenzie came up with a long list of possibilities like the zoo, the aquarium, Jump Planet and the list went on and on.  All the ideas were good but they were also the idea most others on Spring Break would have.  Ben was the one who came up with the winning idea which was simply bubbles at the beach.

We invited Aunt Kacey and cousins Nathan and Kayla to join us.  Then to guarantee a good time we got Aunt Renee to come out and play as well.  She came through on the fun by starting a conga line in the parking lot.  We picked Mukilteo Beach since it had a playground right by the beach and the ferry close by in case it was raining and we needed a Plan B adventure.

Classic picture of the kids - all such good sports for the camera.

It turned out to be a bit on the gray and wet side but it didn't actually rain on us so in true Northwest fashion we were able to enjoy our bubbles on the beach.  Aunt Renee brought some Easter eggs for the kids to find and that was very exciting to hunt for eggs with pictures of sea creatures and bugs.

Miss Kayla

Nathan aka Ben's De-De

The kids had a great time searching for "crabbies" and making clams squirt down on the beach. Beaches are such a great natural playground since there is so much to discover and very little you can actually harm.

Aunt Renee in on the hunt for "crabbies".

Then we got to the main event - the bubbles which were fun until the bubble guns got sandy. Then we had to trek to the bathroom to wash them off.  I guess while bubbles on the beach are beautiful they aren't that practical.

Bubbles are no problem with only one working arm. 

After bubbles the kids wanted to build a driftwood fort and so we hauled all the nearby wood that we could lift around to make a little structure.  I can't wait until the kids are a little older and we can make an amazing things on a beach.

Ben helping Nathan and Aunt Renee move the driftwood.

Spending time at the beach is one of the most consistent memories from my childhood, hauling driftwood around to make a fort or a raft and once even to change the course of a mighty river.  That's a story for another day but it's an adventure I will put in my back pocket to pull out someday when we need a perfect plan for fun with some of our favorite people.  

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