March 14, 2011

Masterpiece Monday: Pick Your Battles Play-Doh

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder or in my kids case it is beautiful to whoever created it.  One of the things I've learned from being a mom is you have to pick your battles.  There are things that just aren't worth fighting over such as:
1) The beauty of your kids creations
2) Keeping Play-Doh colors separate

Once you surrender on these two simple points life gets easier and everyone wins.  I tend to keep new Play-Doh hidden away until our old stuff is so try and crumbly that it's more of a mess than fun to play with.  But this weekend I had found a stash upstairs and added it to the collection in our Play-Doh bin.  Within two minutes of discovering the new colors McKenzie mashed it all into her existing grayish mass.  She was quite happy and said she really liked it that way.  I like it that way too since the kids were playing nicely together with their mutual love of gray Play-Doh.  After a bit I got tired of opening container after container for McKenzie so then it was Ben's turn to plead for just one more container please, until they were all open and smashed together forming the lovely art displayed below. 

Share some of the Masterpieces in your life!  Directions here.


Pick Your Battles Play-Doh

Featured Artist: McKenzie
Medium: Play-Doh and Play-Doh container lids

This picture features the art and the artist and you can see she is very proud of her creation.  She is getting better about her art skills and forming things out of Play-Doh but what I love most is that her imagination is growing much faster than her art skills and she can see all kinds of wonderful things in this blob of dough.

1 comment:

jess said...

Ah! I used to love Play-Doh! I could identify Play-Doh smell from a mile away.