December 23, 2010

Be Merry and Bright

Before having kids I would write an annual Christmas letter summing up our year and then I would somehow run out of time and never send it out. How I had no time is beyond me but once I had kids I knew that behavior had to change. I don't put together a letter anymore since I feel that my blog more than covers the year.  I do like to send out a great picture card of the kids.

The year McKenzie was born I created the perfect Christmas card showing her under the tree on a present, then showing her backside with pj's that said 'McKenzie's First Christmas' on the drop seat section. Loved that card. Then for year two with her I managed to get a decent shot of her holding some big Christmas lights looking so sweet. Then last year, with a 2 1/2 year old and an 11 month old who just learned to walk, I did not succeed in capturing the shot I was after.  But still a card was sent out. This year I knew I had to get some help if I was going to get my card back on track.

I turned to Caskey Design, owned by Jess Caskey a family friend, for help. She had several concept cards on her Etsy site and then I sent her a bunch of unedited pictures we had taken of the kids around the Christmas tree and fireplace. She was able to make our ordinary pictures extraordinary and exactly what I was looking for. Plus, it was so easy once we took the pictures all I had to do was login and pay for the cards, so much easier than figuring all the logistics out myself.

I love the uniqueness of the cards and how it captures the kids personalities but isn't a mug shot of them by the tree. The front image above of them at the fireplace reminded me so much of a picture that was taken of Grandpa C and his brothers and sister when they were kids. So sweet and innocent looking for Santa in the fireplace. Plus, a great shot to get for fidgety little ones who won't both smile a the same time. I had always loved that picture that my Grandma C had it framed above her fireplace with stockings at Christmas time. This year Aunt Renee loaned me the original kids looking in the fireplace picture and I love having it hanging in my house for Christmas.

Once I showed Grandma C my Christmas cards she wanted one with all the grandkids for her Christmas card so we did another quick photo shoot and then some editing and got her a great image for her Christmas letter.

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