September 1, 2010

All's Fair At The Fair

We took our yearly trip to the Evergreen State Fair last weekend and had a great time. Everything was pretty much the same as every other year except for getting sucked into making music videos of McKenzie and her cousin Kayla.

We were just standing around waiting for Nathan and Uncle Eric to catch up with us.  I was looking at this booth that was making videos where they just put your head on a dancing body. I was thinking to myself that I couldn't believe people were actually wasting money to make them when you could use online tools like Jib Jab or Elf Yourself to make very similar videos. Then before I knew it the man running the booth was asking if he could use the girls to make a video to attract a crowd - no purchase of the video necessary of course, but if we liked it we could buy it.

Since girls just wanna have fun, we decided to let the little ladies make one video for the poor guy. In the end they made three videos and we bought two. While I do feel I could make something similar on the Internet, the $20 we spent has been well worth it for the number of times McKenzie has watched them already.

Now you can enjoy them too.  Actual pictures from the fair will come in a separate post. For those who get email updates, visit the blog to watch the videos


Cassandra said...

awesome, except when her head separates from her body... that was weird, but I digress, looks like a bunch of fun!

Kim said...

Ok, Tramps, Evie and I may have to do that on Saturday. Too funny!!

Gina Lillie said...

Worth the money for the amount of time Atticus has make ME watch it. Too bad he keeps singing "shake a poop" instead of "Groove"