January 11, 2009

My Big Fat Greek Surprise Baby Shower!

This weekend the ladies of Wine Club surprised me with a baby shower during our Wine Club night! I was just excited for a night out after being trapped in all the snow and wanted to see everyone before the baby got here. This year we are changing wine night up a bit and instead of just focusing on a certain type of wine we are focusing on regional foods and then pairing wines with the food or picking drinks or wine from that area. January was slated for Greek which had everyone excited. Kate and Rachel did a fantastic job of hosting at Kate and Will's. I carpooled with Kim and Andrea. When we got there everyone was waiting for us with shots of ouzo which is essentially a black licorice flavored alcohol (yuck!) and toasted me and Baby Z. We had some really good laughs and hopefully everyone enjoyed the evening as much as I did. Thank you all for the wonderful gifts and the surprise.

McKenzie and Matt had a nice evening together complete with McKenzie's first Happy Meal and Matt learning why we don't eat dinner on the couch with McKenzie but how could he resist this face?

One of moments at the wine club shower that had tears rolling down my cheeks was when I opened Carrie's gift which contained a Christmas tree angel. That's a strange baby gift you're probably thinking but there's a history here. When Matt and I got our very first Christmas tree we didn't have any ornaments so we had to go and buy some to put on our tree. We bought a whole bunch of matching ornaments, beads etc and were quite pleased with our tree. We didn't have a tree topper either at that point and so we took a really big ornament and removed the hanger part and have used that as our tree topper ever since. Not all are as fond of our tree topper as we are. Carrie has expressed her opinion many times and she brought it up again this Christmas when we had the friends Christmas party at our house. I will admit she's not alone in her dislike for our tree topper which has been described as a Russian building top. So I guess we need to consider changing out our tree topper next year. Please see below for picture of both of them and then we'll have a vote. Look in the right hand margin of my blog to cast your vote for our beloved tree topper, Carrie's 12 inch angel or something new.

I will tell you that McKenzie saw that angel first thing this morning and ran over and grabbed it off the kitchen desk. I told her is was an angel for our Christmas tree and she promptly ran over to the corner of the family room and hid the angle behind the couch. I must admit that is where our Christmas tree was but perhaps it might have scared her just a bit and she didn't want to look at it anymore.

Here are the candidates for the place of honor on top of our Christmas tree.

Our usual tree topper - close up and then with the full tree view:

Carrie's angel - still in the box for 'safe keeping' and then where McKenzie hid it.

Remember to cast your vote!


Esther V. said...

Being an angel maker, may I direct you to my blog for the latest tree topper someone made from one of my handsculpted angels!! What an idea she came up with.
We're getting excited 'up here in Canada' waiting for the arrival of little Mr. Zaremba. What an exciting time for your family.
Lots of hugs from all of us.

Gina Lillie said...

That angel awful.(sorry Carrie) I say stick with what you like, even if it looks like a Russian Building. It's is unique and people will remember it.

Kelli said...

Happy surprise baby shower! How fun! I like your topper...I think the holidays are all about your own traditions!

S and J said...

I tried to cast my vote, but couldn't find anything to "click." I'm going with Gina on the decoration ticket. The Russian roof top is by far much more fitting than an angel- angels resemble clowns which remind me of the Circus, Circus hotel in Vegas.

Kim said...

Ok, now that I know the story behind the topper, I vote that you have to always find SOME place for it, even if it is not on that tree. That said, that angel is awful. It is so big! I may have to boycott the white elephants until I see someone get that, because I CANNOT risk getting it myself!

Anonymous said...

Maybe you should have told everyone about Grandpa Durdy's story of how the angel really got on top of the Christmas tree.