Here's McKenzie at Christmas last year checking out some presents under the tree - it's amazing how much she has changed and learned in this past year.
We spent Christmas Eve at Aunt Kacey and Uncle Eric's house for a fantastic prime rib lunch then on to Matt's Uncle Dick and Aunt Gayle's house for a fun filled evening with the lots of extended family. Christmas morning we were at home and we opened our presents. Minus the 'big' gift for Matt and McKenzie which still has not arrived - stay tuned for a future post once that arrives! Then we headed out to Monroe and spent the rest of Christmas day at Grandma and Grandpa Z's house. We were beat when we came home and were happy to be home.
McKenzie got spoiled with fun gifts the highlight so far seems to be her new babies (twins!) and a mini stroller. She loves babies so much and just wants to 'help', I'm going to have my hands full when baby boy arrives in 32 days! She was very helpful with cousin Claire, always trying to give her a bottle and even tried to pick her up twice! We're going to have to really work on that once we bring the new baby home. Here's McKenzie helping Aunt Jennifer with Claire while we opened presents.
It snowed every day here through the 26th - while it was really nice to have a white Christmas it gets a little old trying to drive around in the snow. We were really happy to see some rain today which melted some of the snow but there's still a lot out there! Let's hope the weather continues to warm up.
Here's McKenzie on Christmas morning looking at her stocking - I love black and white pictures and the contrast that you can get in them. Picasa is such a great tool to work with photos in!
Hope everyone had as merry of a Christmas as we did!
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