October 6, 2008

Enjoying the Fall

I love Fall, despite the fact that I cling stubbornly to the end of Summer as long as possible. I do really love Fall. The autumn colors, the leaves, cooking comfort foods, the gradual slow down in the pace of life are all things I enjoy about Fall. We have been gearing up for the season by breaking out the Fall decorations and purchasing McKenzie's first pair of rubber boots. Here's McKenzie's list of things she has been enjoying this Fall.

McKenzie modeling her new boots. She is still not 100% on walking in them but she does love to put them on. She also has a matching rain coat that is quite cute!

McKenzie has always been a good eater. She will try most anything and will eat about 90% of what she tries. Her all time favorite though is corn - on the cob if possible! She's been enjoying the last few ears of summer and we just discovered frozen corn cobs. We'll post her official review after we give those a try!

McKenzie has also been enjoying some good naps this Fall. Here is a rare moment for McKenzie - not since she was about three months old has she taken a nap outside her crib, pack-n-play or the car seat. We had been out doing a little shopping and then stopped in at a park to play for a bit then came home for some lunch. McKenzie fell asleep in the car and then I brought her into the house thinking she'd wake up but she didn't. So I just laid her down and let her sleep. The dogs didn't know what to think - they've never seen her not moving...

More Fall fun to come! I'm sure we'll be jumping in a pile of leaves sometime soon!

1 comment:

Gina Lillie said...

I know she loves corn, but what about Candy Corn??