After meeting Olivia we hurried off to a wedding for one of Matt's co-workers that was also in Seattle. It was a really pretty wedding and McKenzie did really good during the ceremony and only yelled out once in reply to another baby. There were lots of babies in attendance so it was a lively wedding. After that we went to the reception where McKenzie went a little wild - not in a meltdown state but just overwhelming excitement at being around so many people. She was smiling and dancing and jumping all over. We lasted there about an hour and then we realized that we were not getting fed more that appetizers anytime soon so we headed out to grab some dinner on our own.
Here's Matt and McKenzie all dressed up waiting for the wedding to begin. McKenzie loves phone or anything that might be a phone. She loves to put them to her head and rock it back and forth babbling. Sometimes she gets out a really clear 'Hi'.
hi from Canada!! OUR elections are over with great results!!!
I'm wondering...where is the list of names for your little boy??
ALL is well in Victoria. Your blog site is great!
The girls are such cuties. I am excited that poor Mason will be getting a boy cousin to help him fight off all the girls in the family. Cant wait to see you all again, soon I hope.
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