October 28, 2008

Party and the Ghosts of Halloween Past...

Last Saturday night McKenzie and I attended her second Halloween party. Last year Matt and I took her along with us to a party we attended. She was really well behaved and just fell asleep shortly after arriving. It was a much different story this year! There were other babies, some three-year-old girls and best of all dogs in costume. There couldn't be a much better party than that!

Here's McKenzie dressed as Piglet. She is going to be a dog on Halloween but that costume fits a bit weird so she dressed for comfort on Saturday. She is loving her dog friend Muki who has appeared in other blog entries with her.

The other girls that were there were a bit older than her and they were running all around and had taken their shoes off. McKenzie saw this as her opportunity to help out. Here she is doing one of her favorite things - bringing people their shoes. The girls just yelled 'that baby is stealing our shoes...'.

Here's some pictures from past Halloweens. First McKenzie and me last year all dressed up as a monkey and a banana. Who would have thought I'd get to wear the monkey costume twice!

Then Matt and me as King Kong and the Empire States Building!

And probably the greatest couples Halloween costume ever - the Teletubbies!

Followed by the classic double couple costume from Dad's weekend in college. Sprout and the Jolly Green Giant along with some bags of frozen Green Beans and Sweet Peas.
And my all time favorite... Little Bird.

And a classic from Matt's childhood... Little Red Riding Hood and Dracula!

And who could forget the 'Bud Girls'... was there not sun in Pullman???

I could actually include more but I'll restrain myself before anyone gets too scared!


Gina Lillie said...

I love the pics. The one of McKenzie stealing the shoes is priceless! That is so McKenzie. Seriously, we should have been vampires instead of beer cans, with those super white faces. Can you say Albinos?

Kim said...

Oh really, post more post more! Those were great. Oh, Trampe's husband now claims that the other little girls taught Evie how to squeal, as apparently she started squealing after being at this party.

Esther V. said...

GREAT blog!! there are never too many pictures in a blog...
Your Dad as a bean is so 'right'..beans beans the musical fruit!!
AND you are taller than your Mom...way to go!!
The gorilla costume is VERY good..
We are 'crashing' a Halloween party Friday night..dressed as clowns..will leave before the masks come off at midnight..they will be guessing for years!..IF we have nerve enough to pull it off!

S and J said...

Only you would dress up as a monkey and your daughter as a bananna. Actually the tele-tubbies beat out the beer cans by a lot. Matt is such a good sport.

I actually dressed up as a horse this year, need to get those photos posted.