June 11, 2012

Extreme Nappers

Both of the kids still nap.  Everyday.  For a couple of hours.  I can probably list off the few days we've wildly skipped a nap to fit in one more fun thing.  It's just not something we do since the kids only have two modes - awake or asleep.  As we are quickly approaching kindergarten for McKenzie we are going to start phasing out her naps and we'll see what we do with Ben but I suspect we'll let him nap for another year or two.

Here's Ben on a recent Sunday morning after playing outside in the yard.  He stopped off in Matt's office to watch a show on the computer and then we found him there snoozing away.  Since the kids have such regular naps we rarely find them sleeping anywhere besides their beds so it justifies grabbing the camera when they do.  

Luckily for us McKenzie's school is doing a kindergarten readiness program this summer so starting in July they will be ending naps at school and helping the kids adjust to staying awake all day.  It's going to be interesting to watch her adjust.  She had such a hard time going from two naps down to one.  We had to implement controlled naps in the morning where she could go to sleep but only for a short time.  Hopefully we won't have to resort to that this time.  

1 comment:

Life with Manny AND Keaton AND Nolan said...

That is a great picture of Ben asleep in the chair. Save to show him when he is older!