March 6, 2012

Sneak Peak

I love to catch little moments of love between the kids.  Even on their worst days when they are driving each other (and us crazy) these two cuties are still good friends.  We have been working hard to instill in McKenzie that she is a leader and being older than Ben means she should set a good example.  Luckily Ben has a pretty easy going nature so he doesn't mind that she sometimes takes this role a bit to seriously and acts like a mother hen.  It's so nice to see her big sister role coming out naturally when they are together without us right there.

The kids are taking in the evening hula show at Queens Market during our Hawaii trip.  Apparently, Ben must not have been fully understanding the show and McKenzie was glad to fill him in.  They watched so nicely together and then gave into their inner urge to join the dancing.

1 comment:

Gina Lillie said...

Love the vintage effect. Cute stuff.