January 25, 2012

Channeling The Inner M.E.

For those of you who had the pleasure of meeting my Grandma C, you may have been told of one of her many aspirations which was to write a book entitled simply M.E., which stood for her initials for Margaret Elizabeth.  Great Grandma C, as she is now referred to, was quite a character and she was always up to the most interesting things, or so it seemed to me when we would visit her house.  I have so many memories of the things she kept in her cupboards and the how she had come to acquire some of the items in her house.  All of those are stories for another time because like Great Grandma C, I could go on for hours telling stories that jump from one topic to the next with no pause in between.  One memory in particular came back to me this week when McKenzie and I were making some guacamole to go with our tacos.   I removed the pit from the avocado and that started a whole series of questions about what it was and I told McKenzie that a plant could grow from that pit.  In my mind a perfect picture was formed of an avocado seed with toothpicks poking out on three sides sitting in the windowsill at my Grandma's house.  I knew we had to try it out.  I wondered if there was any special instructions or different ways to grow a tree from the pit and what I found on Google was exactly like what I pictured.  Though I don't have any pictures of the pit at my Grandma's or any recollection of the pit actually growing into anything I love that I can recreate this memory and use the opportunity to have some fun with my kids all these years later.

McKenzie loves any type of experiment - I'll call it that since I hold no hope that we can actually grow an avocado tree there in our cold climate.  Should be exciting to see if it does anything.

Ben wanted to get in on the action but he thought it was an egg.  Maybe if it does nothing by Easter it can magically turn into an egg!

Great Grandma C, in one of my favorite pictures of her.  She should have had this as the picture on the cover of M.E. if she had ever written her book.  She looks so young and carefree here and I know she never lost that ability to dream big because she always believed that her avocado pits would turn into something more.

1 comment:

Gina Lillie said...

if you cut the stalk at 6 inches it will branch. then cut the 1st branch at 6 inches. this will allow it to build a branch system. otherwise you end up with a tall skinny single stalk. :) Demian