May 31, 2011

Party On Wheels!

For some reason we have missed every birthday party that Kenzie and Ben's friend Atti has had during his three long years of life.  Knowing our love of birthday parties we just couldn't let him get off without celebrating with us too.  Atti had never been to one of our favorite places, The Country Village, so we decided that was where we needed to take him to celebrate turning three!

The kids played on the playground, chased ducks, rode the train, fed chickens and geese, danced on a stage, ran wild through the boardwalk and generally drove their mothers crazy.  It's good to have friends who can relate to the ups and downs with kids so you know they aren't judging you when your child gets a sliver in their hand and screams for the entire five minute walk to the car.

Here's Atti and McKenzie throwing the duck and geese their food when it was clearly within their reach already and they were choosing not to eat anymore.  Gotta love little helpers!

A rare moment of peace while the kids were reading a brochure on a drift wood chair. Love how seriously they are all taking it.  I think maybe they were actually plotting an escape route or something.

 The birthday boy riding on one of the merry go rounds that are spread thoughout the village.   I can't believe he's three already.  Time really does fly!  

We ended the outing with Atti opening his birthday present in the back of my car since the sliver had caused us to wrap up the fun.  What a good friend Atti is to let his friends open his birthday present! 

In the end a good time was had by all and the sliver only stayed in for another two days after McKenzie decided she was going to keep it.  Luckily for us she finally let Aunt Kacey take it out.

1 comment:

Gina Lillie said...

Thanks again for a fun Birthday celebration. I think I need to send Atticus to Aunt Kacey's too. He's holding on to his birthday sliver.