February 28, 2011

Hawaii Two-O

Maybe if I keep naming my blog posts about our family vacations to Hawaii in numerical order we'll just keep going every year, because nobody likes to break a fun family tradition right?  Last year we took the kids to the Big Island and this year the whole Zaremba family traveled to Maui for a much needed escape from the gray weather back home.  We rented a house in Kihei with beach access 75 yards across a grassy palm tree filled yard - a perfect setting for the kids.  Here's the whole crew in the backyard. 

Below is McKenzie, Ben and Claire playing a game of chase in the backyard.  There was a lot more to chase than each other.  The surrounding backyards had a couple dozen free roaming chickens that the kids loved to try to catch.  The kids even played a game where one of them was the chicken and the others two tried to catch them.  The funny part was watching them chase each other and instead of running directly at each other they would follow the same path exactly.  Makes for some really long games of chase.  Ben loved those chickens and would wake up each morning ready to go find them.  He would stand at the back door and say, "my chick-oos" over and over again.  

Speaking of mornings... Ben really gave us a scare the third day we were there.  McKenzie woke me up and was begging to go downstairs.  Finally I gave in so we wouldn't wake Matt and Ben and I told her to be very quite when we went past Ben's pack 'n play.  She walked past his bed and said, "Ben's gone." I looked and there was no Ben.  I woke Matt up and we ran out to find him.  There he was downstairs with Grandma Z just enjoying the morning.  He had just gotten up and headed downstairs all on his own and found Grandma Z reading her book.  What a way to start the day and thank goodness someone was up!

Another morning Ben found a ukulele that was in Aunt Anne's room and took it into Grandma Z's room, climbed up into bed, got himself settled in the pillows and then pulled up the blankets and proceeded to serenade her.  He's quite the charmer.


Our days were pretty much spent the same way.  We'd wake up, chase chickens, head to the beach, head home for lunch and naps, play in the backyard then have dinner and head to bed.  Not a bad life at all.  I could really get used to that schedule.  Here are just a few of our many beach photos.

Big man and little man heading into the ocean at Kama'ole Beach Park I, if Ben saw the water he was in the water. 

Matt and our little fish McKenzie at our all time favorite beach, Big Beach.  McKenzie has really become quite the confident swimmer since her lessons last summer.  I am looking forward to seeing how far she goes this summer now that her attention span might meet up with her swimming skills. 

McKenzie, Claire and Ben stomping down a big sand castle that they built with Matt at Kama'ole Beach Park II.  Everyday we build something new out of sand but none of them lasted very long since smashing is so much more fun than building.

Finally Ben is taller than his sister too bad we had to bury her up past her knees to make that possible.  Someday buddy you'll look down on her again.

A little sunset swim at the private beach at our house.  You can see the sun is setting and a couple of moons have come out.  The kids thought this was so much fun and begged to do it again. 

One tired beach bum snoozing on the beach.  He fell asleep in the car on the drive back to Big Beach and didn't even wake up as we packed everything down to the beach.  This is a rare sighting to catch either of my kids sleeping when it's not bedtime or nap time. 

We headed North to Lahaina and enjoyed a nice morning at Baby Beach (Puunoa Beach), this park had a play area for the kids and a reef that kept the big waves off the beach and let the kids just enjoy some calm ocean pools. Here's Ben thrilled to find a park to play at after the wet and cold winter we've had back in Washington. 

Ben making a new friend .  This little pup was named Nutmeg and Ben was in love at first sight.  

McKenzie enjoying the calm ocean waters, practicing her kicking.  She loved exploring the shallow water looking for tiny fish and hermit crabs.  There was so much more to see here than in the big ocean waves. 

When I ask McKenzie what was her favorite thing about the trip she says "cousin Claire."  These three are so close in age it's always fun to see them together interacting.  They all got along great and had many funny conversations between them that really showed their different personalities. 
Super fun treat for the kids = super sticky kids for Mom and Dad.   

Good thing that popsicles led to another fun activity - bubble bath time!

Ben has come into his own on this trip and was a full active participant.  Last year he had just turned one and was there but more along for the ride. This year he was definitely more in the drivers seat.  He also is in a stage where he will pose for the camera where McKenzie tends to hide or make funny faces at me so for now Benny takes some of the spotlight.  

Here's where Ben and Grandpa Z spend quite a bit of time - playing with the hose.  Boys will be boys.

I love the sheer amazement on Ben's face even though he just got squirted by the hose.

Ben was also our resident DJ, always ready to fire up the stereo and push some buttons.  He'd push some buttons and do some dancing then repeat every time we were inside.

His shirt says "Mister Awesome" on it and he knows it.  He's got his Daddy wrapped around his little finger. 

Literally in the drivers seat!  I couldn't resist snapping this shot of him as we were changing after the beach one day and he escaped without a diaper and was trying to drive the car.  We rented a mini van while we were there and it had a fancy dashboard screen that let you upload photos.  It may become a very famous car on Maui if no one checks that before renting it again.  We loaded this picture into the car and I wish I could see the face of the next person who rents it when they see this and then look down and see it's where they are sitting!

Everyone at our great outdoor dining space enjoying a meal of fresh barbecued fish.  Lot's of good food and fun was had by all!

And we got to top off our evenings with amazing sunsets off the back deck, it really can't be beat.   But hopefully we'll try to top it next year... I already feel the urge to plan my next sunny escape.

1 comment:

Gina Lillie said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE IT. Looks like such a fun trip. Can't wait to hear more about it.