January 25, 2011

Ah Mom, Don't Tell That Story Again...

Yes, I'm that Mom. Always willing to share my kids funny moments with all who will listen. They are too young now to object but I know the day will come when they will cringe wishing I wasn't telling their prom date about them in the bathtub when they were three. Who knows by the time they are old enough for prom my bathtub stories will probably be tame compared to the things that they will share about themselves through social media. Okay, now I'm cringing and thinking of moving to a commune somewhere. Anyway, here goes with McKenzie's recent funny story which again has to do with her habit of omitting key components of a topics.

A few weeks ago McKenzie was at Aunt Kacey's house for the day and nothing was out of the ordinary until McKenzie told Aunt Kacey, "I was a bad girl in the bathroom."  This shocked Aunt Kacey and prompted her to ask "What bathroom?"  McKenzie did admit it was her bathroom at home so then Aunt Kacey asked what she had done in the bathroom. She told Aunt Kacey that she put soap all over the front of the vanity and then drew with chapstick on one of the drawers. Aunt Kacey emailed to make sure I knew about this which I did but McKenzie didn't tell her that she had already been in trouble for it. All she wanted to talk about was "being a bad girl in the bathroom" which is a very scary statement in general.

Who would ever believe this sweet girl could be bad?

1 comment:

Gina Lillie said...

At least she didn't cut her hair. My niece was a "bad girl" in the bathroom at about that same age. She cut a 3 inch square off the front of her hair, right down to the scalp.