April 21, 2010

Remix McKenzie Style

McKenzie has been really into singing lately, she sings the Alphabet Song, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and Happy Birthday.  Lately she's been asking me to sing the rain songs to which I either sing Rain, Rain Go Away or It's Raining, It's Pouring. Here are the lyrics for both the songs and then McKenzie's recently released remix of the two. I think she has a real future in the music industry.  We're working on a little video footage of this for our viewing audience. Stay tuned.

Rain, rain, go away
Come again some other day
We want to go outside and play
Come again some other day

It's raining, it's pouringThe old man is snoringHe went to bed and he bumped his headAnd couldn't get up in the morning

McKenzie's Remix
It's rain, rain go away rain, rain, it's pouring
one peoples didn't get up in the morning


Gina Lillie said...


Carl Z said...

I think her "remix" is talking about Daddy on a rainy morning after playing games too late with the guys the night before. She sure is a cute little squirt!