October 20, 2009

Falling In Love With Fall

Despite the recent rainy weather we've had a chance to get out and enjoy some of the fun of Fall with the kids. Before I had kids I used to think that people with kids had more exciting lives than me but really it's all about keeping them occupied. Idle time is trouble causing time so just keep them moving!

Here's McKenzie on the move in our backyard swing getting ready to do a 'biggie' swing! This girl has no fear...

Two weekends ago we spent a fantastic weekend at the Suncadia Resort, on the eastern side the Cascades which is a little over an hour from our house. It was so nice to go to such a different climate so close to home. Aunt Jennifer, Uncle Chris and cousin Claire won the weekend in a silent auction at Claire's school and they were kind enough to invite us to join them. We stayed at the Sugar Cookie Cabin, which is billed as a kid / family friendly place to stay and it really did deliver. It was so nice to have a crib ready to go, baby gates, booster chairs, toys... you name it everything for kids was there! While we were there we enjoyed their Fall Festival complete with a bouncy house, a corn maze and best of all pony rides! Suncadia also had a great pool facility that we took the kids too - as usual McKenzie loved the water and would have been happy to stay all day.

Here's McKenzie on a pony - most of the ride she had a very serious face but after she got off she was all smiles!

We had big plans to go to the pumpkin patch with Carrie and Gina this year but plans fell through and an extra long nap by Ben, cold weather and Daddy needing to watch football sent us back to the Central Market pumpkin pile which served us well when McKenzie was just a tiny baby. We got some great pictures of the kids and pumpkins and everyone was happy!

Ben slipping deeper and deeper into the pumpkin pile - oh so cute!

Who doesn't like to ride in the a shopping cart full of pumpkins?

Very serious boy with his pumpkin

Ben testing out Daddy's pumpkin before he carved it...

The finished products!

Next on my 'Fall To Do List' - find a pile of leaves for the kids to jump in!


Gina Lillie said...

Looks like McKenzie is ready for a trip to Lola Langs Horse and Pony Farm!

Carl Z said...

Well - look no further !! Our big maple tree has done a "major dump" in the recent blustery weather. One BIG leaf pile coming right up :-)

Suncadia Dad said...

Thanks for the props/link and glad you had a great time at Sugar Cookie Cabin / Suncadia.