After the hair cut and a nice bath he was still rocking! As Scuttle, the seagull from The Little Mermaid would say "You've got an aesthetically pleasing configuration of hair that humans go nuts over."
Maybe someday I'll get McKenzie's hair cut. Her hair has taken so long to grow and it's not very thick at all so I just haven't been forced to cut it. Granted I rarely let her leave the house without doing something to it. Guess she wont' take after me with thick hair. When McKenzie was born my mom gave me my baby book and I was looking through it and found this envelope stuffed full of hair that was labeled 'first hair cut six months' and I thought my mom must have been mistaken and then I saw a picture of myself at six months. I needed a haircut! If I could ever decide if McKenzie should have bangs or not I'd probably get her hair cut a little but I can't decide so we do nothing.
We had a big weekend last weekend, first we went to my Aunt Wendy's 60th birthday party and had a lot of fun and food. So much food that McKenzie woke up at midnight and got sick. But after we got cleaned up from that she felt much better. Guess no one should eat that many grapes. Here's Grandma C and her sisters and brother. They are in age order, youngest to oldest, from left to right - Aunt Bonnie, Grandma C, Aunt Wendy, Aunt Diane and Uncle Jay.
Good thing McKenzie felt better because on Sunday as Part Deux of Grandma Z's birthday we went downtown Seattle and rode the Duck Boat. Very exciting stuff if you're two. Riding a bus / boat combo while blowing on a duck beak quacker can't be beat. Unfortunately for Matt we didn't get seats together and McKenzie spent most of the trip yelling back at me to look at things. When the duck went in the water Ben and I went up and we all squeezed into one seat so McKenzie didn't have to shout.
Here we are after our duck ride.
Here's Benny after the duck ride with his too cute duck feet.
And no, the fun didn't stop there. On Tuesday after work we headed out to Monroe for our annual trip to 'The Fair' (see last years post). This year McKenzie was tall enough for some of the rides. Her favorite was the yee-ha's, aka the horses on the carousel. She also went on a mini roller coaster with me and did no hands almost the whole way. Here's Kenzie blowing kisses to the crowd while riding her yee-ha.
McKenzie also convinced her Daddy that she needed to play a carnival game. So they threw some darts and popped some balloons and then McKenzie had to pick between two prizes. She didn't want either of them, we thought no we're not taking home a huge prize, so then after much negotiation with the carnie McKenzie left happy with a small prize and an un-popped balloon. Who knew that was what she wanted the whole time!
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