August 26, 2009

Super Seven!

Today Ben is seven months old Birthday! Let's see their pictures then compare some stats.

Here's Ben...

And McKenzie!

Eating Solid Food:
- McKenzie... Yes, loving every bite except what she smeared on her face!
- Ben.... Yes, a distracted eater but packs it away if you have the patience to wait him out

Sleeping Through The Night:
- McKenzie... Yes, that girls still loves her sleep
- Ben... Yes, but he does sometimes get up just to see if anyone is listening : )

- McKenzie... Yes, first tooth just before six months and more constantly after that
- Ben... No teeth yet, more drool than I ever through possible but no teeth

First Black Eye
- McKenzie... Probably around 13 months when she took a golf club to the head
- Ben... Currently sporting a bit of a black eye due to the achievement below

- McKenzie... Nope not crawling until almost 8 months
- Ben... Yes! Crawling and cruising around on everything since August 10th! He is a man on the move, unfortunately that movement includes a lot of falling down as he is just like his sister with no fear.

Here's a little video of Ben doing his thing!

We also celebrated Grandma Z's birthday this past weekend. We had everyone over for a family brunch. Thanks Aunt Jennifer and Uncle Chris for bringing the food!

Here's everyone at brunch outside on the patio

Grandma Z and the grand kids playing the piano. Ben can play that piano forever!

Here's a couple of recent shots of the kids playing inside - our current favorite pics!


Kacey Long said...

The first black eye for McKenzie was actually the fall onto the edge of the deck at about 13 months when she was first trying to run. The golf club to the head was later that same summer just before getting pictures taken and that was her forehead :)

Gina Lillie said...

Ben will be running behind that Lion Bike in no time. BTW I don't miss that toy's laugh.