September 4, 2008

Can't get much fresher than this!

We have no idea whose child McKenzie is - she loves tomatoes! I do love them myself now but as a child I did not like them and Matt would still not choose to eat them. I have been wanting to plant a garden in the backyard since we moved in and decided to finally get started this year and try out growing tomatoes.

I have six different kinds I'm growing - all the plants are from the Central Market:
  • Sungold - Produces very sweet orange colored cherry tomato * My favorite so far, I check almost everyday to see if there are new tomatoes available for a snack! My sister has the same variety and neither of us knew the fruit was suppose to be orange so we kept waiting for it to turn red - finally I read the tag and realized it was suppose to be orange - yum!
  • Black - Very dark red 2-3" tomatoes, one of the sweetest. * This plant has one green tomato so far
  • Brandywine - Large, deeply lobed, purplish red fruit loaded with old-fashioned sweet tomato taste. * This plant is huge - at least double any of the others - it has more flowers and tiny green starts than I can count!
  • Early Girl - Medium globe shaped fruit, ripens early in the season * This one has several greens starting to turn and it had one really great fully red tomato which I picked for dinner tonight... more to come on that!
  • Roma - Heirloom with plum-shaped fleshy fruit. Think and juicy nearly seedless. * This plant has about five tomatoes in various shades of green, yellow, orange and soon to be red
  • Sweet 100 - Produces huge multi cluster branches of sweet cherry tomatoes, plant will typically produce more than 100 tomatoes during a season. *This plant isn't producing in great quantity yet but it does look like it's gearing up. Compared to the Sungold I would not label the fruit as sweet.
As I mentioned before I picked a nice ripe tomato off of the Early Girl plant for dinner and then McKenzie saw it... wanted to see it... then hold it... and before I could stop her eat it... then she was too cute munching on a whole tomato so I went for the camera like any responsible parent would do : )

She ate about half the tomato before deciding to share with the dogs. This is not her first 'off the vine' experience... my sister caught her one day nibbling away on two very hard, very green tomatoes from the plants in her backyard. I guess she know fresh food when she sees it!


Kacey Long said...

Oh she has eaten about half of my ripe sungolds as well as the two green patio ones!

Gina Lillie said...

I love the orange ones too. They look really pretty in salads.

Esther V. said...

Good Morning from Canada.
A friend keeps mentioning his
Russian tomatoes and how delicious they are..have you come across this variety to try?
We had such amazing weather this usual I went to BeaconHill Park Bandstand to listen to a Blues Concert...the place was packed..young and old were dancing...and I sit and knit and just soak in the 'everything' of a perfect afternoon.