July 24, 2008

Keeping up with the Duggers!

Okay, so we're not actually trying to keep up with the Duggers since they have 17 kids and another on the way but we are excited to be expecting Baby Z #2 in late January 2009!!!

We're at 12 weeks right now and so far everything has gone well. I had an ultrasound on Tuesday and the baby looks fantastic - it was jumping around in there like a little frog. Definitely more action than we ever saw from McKenzie during ultrasounds. That kind of scares me a bit since McKenzie literally does not stop moving for a second unless she is sleeping or restrained in a high chair, stroller or car seat.

I've been trying to teach McKenzie to say 'baby' - she knows what baby means. She will go get her doll if I talk to her about babies but refuses to say much else besides 'dog'. She likes her baby and will give it kisses but will abandon the baby in a second for Flat Monkey. Good thing we have baby Claire around to practice being gentle with : )

In other news we have been having fun in the sun here in Washington - two weekends ago McKenzie and I headed over to visit Grandma and Grandpa C in Chelan, one of my favorite places! We had a nice relaxing visit and went to the pool and the lake. McKenzie actually enjoyed the lake more because there were lots of other kids and she could touch the bottom and play on her own. Here's McKenzie stealing someone else's beach toy - guess I'll have to pack more toys next time we go!

Then last weekend I attended a baby shower on Saturday morning for Matt's cousin Cassandra. McKenzie stayed home with Matt and had a great time doing some shopping at Costco. In the afternoon McKenzie joined me at a bridal shower for my friend Jenn. It was one of those perfect Northwest afternoons where the weather is just perfect for a backyard event. It was so good to see Jenn and her family and to get to introduce them to McKenzie.

On Sunday we went out to visit Grandma and Grandpa Z for a swim and dinner. We had a great time and McKenzie really enjoyed the pool time because Aunt Jen and Uncle Chris had their dog Breck over and it was swimming in the pool with McKenzie. Here's an action shot of Matt tossing McKenzie around in the pool.


Esther V. said...

Congratulations on expecting Baby#2.
This will be very exciting indeed.
Love your blog site...keep up the good work.
Hugs, Esther.
Charlotte turned 8 yesterday!

jess said...

Congratulations!!! How exciting!! Glad to hear you are doing well!

Gina Lillie said...

That baby looks cute even from the ultrasound!

Kelli said...

2 is always better than 1! Congrats! I am glad you are having two first...I will be looking forward to tips on how to handle two when my turn comes around. Hugs!

Binninger Family said...

Holy crap! I missed this blog entry totally! I had to look back when I saw the dancing baby on the main page! Congrats! You two are brave souls! I am not on the baby #2 bandwagon yet...! My little one is elbow deep in the toilet as I type! Outta here! BRYDEN!!!!!!!!!!!!ha!