July 22, 2012

The Return of The Flying Zarembas

Last summer Grandma and Grandpa Z's pool was being overhauled so it was a summer without our usual watering hole. Luckily the weather wasn't too hot so we survived but this year we have been back enjoying the pool. The kids love swimming anywhere but especially at Grandma and Grandpa's house. One huge benefit of their pool is the deep end which accommodates all their wild stunts. That and the lack of lifeguard to reign them in.

Kenzie is finally starting to enjoy the fine art of relaxing a bit.  She has discovered air mattresses and inner tubes this summer and has been sitting still for a bit enjoying just floating about.

 Ben is really getting into the action this summer and is adding his own tricks to their usual routine. He is also all about finding a thrill and then repeating. He must have worn a path on the pool deck between the ladder and the diving board on our last visit.

We are looking forward to more pool time this weekend as the weather is suppose to be fantastic!

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