July 10, 2012

Sitting On The Dock Of The Bay

I'm sittin' on the dock of the bay
Watching the tide roll away
Ooo, I'm just sittin' on the dock of the bay 
Wastin' time

- Otis Redding

Isn't that what summer time is all about when you're a kid, just wasting the day away?  Not for Kenzie and Ben, while they did sit for one brief moment on the dock during our trip to visit Grandma and Grandpa C in Chelan they were soon on their feet again enjoying as much fun as they possibly could.

As soon as we got into town they put on their suits and said let's go to the lake.  This was their first dip of the summer and it was still cold but not cold enough to deter these two.  They found the giant piece of driftwood that showed up last summer and took a spin around the swimming area on their boat.  It took some careful teamwork here to keep themselves balanced.

This is definitely the summer that McKenzie has becoming a real swimmer.  She spent and entire afternoon in the pool even while Ben passed out for a nap on the lawn.  She stayed in diving for toys and swimming about until her toes got raw on the bottom.  Here she is in her new pink inner tube just loving the water.

Ben got a new tube as well but it's not quite as easy to use when you are wearing your life jacket as well.  At least we never have to worry about him sinking.

If we weren't in the water we were on it, we got to take Grandpa's boat out for a spin and the kids loved it!  We cruised town to town and up the down the Chelan river to the dam and then turned around and headed up lake to look at the beautiful houses along the shore.  

The kids felt so at home on the boat they just curled up and fell asleep.  Ben finally crashed out in the front of the boat in the shade under Grandma's legs.  

Kenzie claimed the passenger side feet well and made a little bed.  Ben was out for about forty five minutes but Kenzie was down for well over an hour.  The sound of the motor seemed to lull them to sleep rather than keep them up.

Another favorite activity is getting Grandma's binoculars and sitting on the front porch to look at things.  The kids do this time after time and it never gets old.  I can remember using the same pair of binoculars as a child to look at the big hill behind my house.  Not much changed on the hill but it was still fun to look for something.  Grandma and Grandpa have a much more exciting view now.  

What trip would be complete without a shot at a good picture of the group?  This one includes a stray dog that Ben found and someone else's interesting car.  We had just finished a fantastic breakfast out at Blueberry Hill.  Ben's favorite part was this little dog in the parking lot so we decided to take a picture with him.

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