February 7, 2012

I got that for my birthday!

The whole concept of birthdays and how amazing they are finally dawned on Ben just before Christmas.  After that point everything he wanted to show us he would say "I got that for my birthday."  Even if he knew he had gotten it yesterday at the store it was from his birthday.  As we headed into January he was gearing up and kept asking when it was his birthday and then would yell "Yeah, my birthday" when I would tell him how many more days.  Needless to say this was a year perfect for going big with the birthday celebrations since he was ready to celebrate.  He has been practicing holding up three fingers and hasn't quite gotten the traditional method of holding his pinkie down with his thumb but I much prefer his version - he's doing okay!  He will tell you he's six instead of three but I don't think it's because he is counting all his fingers, he's just very excited.

On his birthday he came downstairs to our family tradition of the table decorated with balloons and presents.  He was very excited to see his presents, lollipops, balloons and cookies to share with his friends at school.  

Can you tell he's excited!?!

After celebrating with his friends at school we headed out to Red Robin to meet up with some of the family for his birthday dinner.  The birthday boy and his sissy with Grandpa and Grandma Z.  So exciting to see Grandma and and Grandpa at your favorite restaurant.

Uncle Eric and Aunt Kacey helping to celebrate.  Nathan and Kayla couldn't wait for Ben to open his present which was a firetruck that dances, talks and shoots balls.  He slept with it that night he was so excited.

Ben and Daddy all smiles.  Ben is apparently telling me he'll call me later.

Birthday picture with Mom and his favorite girl Indy.  He was one tired boy by the time the day was done.

On to the birthday party!  We had his party where the kids do gymnastics and it was perfect for our crowd of all age friends.  We had baby Keaton who was zero according to McKenzie all the way up to Nathan who will be nine in March.  Here's the line of party goers marching along.  They weren't fast enough to keep up with Ben who had heard the foam pit was open for jumping.  

 And speaking of jumping our little paratrooper McKenzie didn't hold anything back at the party and was just a flying ball of energy.  Time to get enrolled for the next session of gymnastics and get her focusing all that energy.

For Ben's cake I made four 'pizza' cakes because he loves pizza so much.  He was very excited and it was a very easy and fun way to have a unique cake.  I picked up pizza boxes from the little pizza place by our house to make it authentic.  Big thank you to Pinterest for connecting me with the idea. 

Cousin Claire helping to celebrate Ben's big day!

Keaton practicing for his upcoming birthday by sporting his party hat and enjoying some of the pizza cake.

Looking forward to a terrific year with a great big three year old boy!  I still can't believe my baby is three, where has the time gone?  Must mean I'm getting older too.

1 comment:

Gina Lillie said...

Thanks for including us in Ben's birthday celebration. We had a lot of fun. Don't tell Atticus you went to Red Robin though. It's his favorite.