October 6, 2011

Following The Leader

Our September adventures took us out to Gig Harbor for an open house at Matt's cousin Pam and her husband Steve's new house.  Not wanting to miss out on a chance to explore while we were out and with some extra time before the party we ended up stopping at Kopachuck State Park.  It was a great mix of hiking and beach for exploring.

Here are the kids doing their version of hiking, which really means running wildly along the trail until they are tired or trip on something.  If we can keep one of them moving they will both usually keep going.  They hate being outdone by each other.

Down on the beach they were trying to jump from rock to rock.  Poor Ben was attempting to jump distances he had no hope of making so we had to distract him with something better than jumping off rocks.

We had them pose on this rock to get their picture taken - so cute!

Here's what the rock really looked like.  They loved climbing up on that big rock.  Luckily no one jumped off this one.

Our intense little guy hauling sticks around on the beach.  He loves to find the biggest stick possible to move around.  

Kenzie trying to decide which rocks where her favorite to add to her every growing rock and shell collection.  My purse weighted ten pounds more than when I hiked down since she kept putting in just one more.

The park had a beautiful view and we had the beach all to ourselves.  It was a great spot to spend a sunny morning!

We stopped at a bench on our hike out and got our picture taken.  It's so nice to get a picture of all four of us.  Exploring with these two never gets old.  

1 comment:

jess said...

Looks like a fun day! Great scrapping photos!!