September 6, 2011

No Fear

To say our kids are adventurous is a serious understatement, a better statement is "they have no fear."  At least not when it comes to physical things.  They will climb to the highest heights, jump into deep water without anyone near by, yell to go faster on the fastest ride and just generally test any boundary they come across.  Luckily for them (and me), they are as nimble as they are wild so they don't often cause much harm to themselves.

Here are just a few of their recent adventures that left them wanting more and left me begging them to slow down and keep their feet on the ground.  

Ben at a recent trip to Silver Lake near our house, I thought the kids would just wade in the water so I didn't pack my suit or their life jackets.  I realized my mistake when a little five year old girl said, "Wow... your baby can swim!"  He's touching in this picture but was not the least bit concerned about continuing to do so.

McKenzie at the playground at Silver Lake park, with her you never know where you'll find her on the playground but she always finds her way down again.

This picture is taken at the kids' school.  The teachers said they couldn't believe it when she climbed up this giant umbrella.  She had told them she could so they said let's see and sure enough she did.  To give you some perspective on the height, Matt is in the side of the picture and she's up higher than his head which is about 6' 4".

Ben during our August trip to Chelan on a jet ski with Uncle Eric. Ben just wanted to go faster and then he became the only person on earth to ever fall asleep on a moving jet ski.  These kids just run until they drop.

Good thing Matt and I don't have any known heart conditions with these two around.  If they are this extreme at four and two, I hate to imagine the things we'll witness as they get older.  Let the good times roll!

1 comment:

Gina Lillie said...

How in the world did Kenz get up that umbrella? Seriously. Also that upside down picture is scrap material.