July 28, 2011

Ticket To Ride

McKenzie and Ben are lucky to have someone as special as their Great Aunt Renee in their lifes.  She is always up for an adventure with the kids and this summer she made one of Kenzie's wishes come true for her birthday.  Aunt Renee took McKenzie for a ride on a bus which is something McKenzie has always wanted to do.  They rode the bus to a bookstore where McKenzie was suppose to pick out a birthday present.  After getting Aunt Renee to agree to buy not only her present but a present for Ben, Kayla and Nathan too they left and rode another bus to lunch of McKenzie's choice.  She picked McDonald's and could not believe Aunt Renee let her have her very own ice cream cone!  It was an amazing day for our sweet girl and one she talks about frequently.

Buying the tickets, not sure why her hood is up she never wears it that way but I guess she was feeling she needed to look tough on the bus.

In her seat - ready to ride!

Enjoying her very own ice cream cone - that Aunt Renee sure does spoil her!

I was lucky enough to be a little girl with a very fun Aunt Renee and I'm twice as thankful that my little girl gets to have her as part of her life too!

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