February 23, 2009

Oh Come Let Us Adore Him...

Here he is - adore away!

There's a lot to love about Ben. He has been adored by all that have met him. Last week my Mom came for the whole week to help me out with the kids and mostly to adore them for a bit since they live over in Chelan and can't just pop in anytime. It was a big help to have her here especially since Matt was recovering from the kidney stone and also went back to a normal work week. The stone seems to have passed after a couple of really painful days for Matt. Thank goodness!

My Mom and I were able to get a lot of little things accomplished around the house that would have taken me forever if I hadn't had a second set of hands to help or to chase McKenzie around while I did things. We had a good time and the kids and I are looking forward to a visit to Chelan in April. Thanks Mom!

Matt's cousin Cassandra and her husband Chris and their little 4 month old Olivia came out for a fun visit and they took some pictures of our family which was much appreciated since we have very few pictures of all of us since it's usually one of us taking the pictures. Here's a picture from that day. Note McKenzie is once again kissing Ben it's a favorite pass time for her now.


Esther V. said...

What a nice family picture!
Thanks for the update..great blog Colleen.
McKenzie is so sweet...it will be years later for you to realize that she is still a baby herself.
Ben is VERY cute. xoxo from Canada

Kelli said...

Beautiful family! Great to see that you guys are doing well and that life with 2 kids is possible! You give me hope! :)

Rich and Stephanie said...

Great pictures. they kids are getting so big. I hope to make it over soon so we can meet the little guy.